Οι Metallica και το "72 Seasons

Κυκλοφορεί το ομότιτλο single του πολύ-αναμενόμενου

άλμπουμ “72 Seasons” των Metallica!

“72 seasons. The first 18 years of our lives that form our true or false selves. The concept that we were told ‘who we are’ by our parents. A possible pigeonholing around what kind of personality we are. I think the most interesting part of this is the continued study of those core beliefs and how it affects our perception of the world today. Much of our adult experience is reenactment or reaction to these childhood experiences. Prisoners of childhood or breaking free of those bondages we carry.” – James Hetfield

Βρείτε και ακούστε το “72 Seasons” single στο Spotify, εδώ:

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